How to Drain an Intex Pool
When it comes to above-ground swimming pools, INTEX entertainment produces a wide range of products, from small children’s swimming pools to metal frames that can accommodate an entire family. Intex pool is cheap, easy to set up and maintain, and the process of clearing Intex pool is basic. No special Intex pool components are required to complete the work. If you want to enjoy the summer in the backyard swimming pool, INTEX provides services for you. Intex even produces swimming pool floats to make your water life better. But how to drain an Intex pool? It also becomes a difficult problem. If you are troubled by this problem, then continue to read.
How to Drain an Intex Pool
Draining Intex Pools With a Hose
You can use a simple garden hose to drain and use the same method to drain an aerated simple pool or a metal frame pool. Both types of swimming pools have different sizes. The easy set has a small enough swimming pool to accommodate several children. Both types of swimming pools are large enough to allow the whole family to enjoy some water games. As long as you have a garden hose, you can easily remove water.
1. Remove any fittings, such as inflatable floats and balls, and any plant debris, such as leaves or branches, from the pool. You do not want vegetation or other objects to accidentally block the drainage area, which may slow or stop the process.
2. Before you begin this process, select a location where you want to drain from the pool. Make sure the hose ends are positioned so that water does not flood the foundation of your home or hard landscape areas.
3. Locate the drain plug on the inside wall of the pool and make sure it is in place. Next, find the drain valve on the outer wall of the pool and remove its cover.
4. Connect the female end of the garden hose to the drain connection and place the other end of the hose in the area you select for drainage.
5. Connect the drain connection to the end of the hose to the drain valve. Once connected, the drain connector will open the drain plug, and you should immediately notice that the water begins to flow out of the pool.
6. Lift the opposite side of the pool from the drain valve and remove the remaining water from the pool when it reaches the lower water level below the drain.
7. When the water is completely drained, remove the garden hose and adapter from the pool. Replace the drain plug in the drain valve in the pool, and then replace the drain cover on the outer wall of the pool.
Draining Intex Snapset Pools
The Intex ocean spray snaps set swimming pool is not easy to set up and drain. It is the perfect choice for children. With a diameter of 6 feet and a height of 15 inches, it is a good choice for younger children. When you need to drain the pool, you don’t need anything. You just need to drain it yourself.
1. Before starting to drain, please remove any sundries or accessories from the pool. Dig out any leaves, pool floats, or other objects.
2. Push the side wall of the pool inward slowly and begin to drain the water to the ground.
3. When the water level is low, slowly lift one side of the pool and drain the remaining water at the bottom of the pool.
4. If you are folding a storage pool, allow all parts of the pool to dry completely.
5. Spread talc powder on the pool to prevent the vinyl edges and bottom from sticking together and absorb any residual water. Once dry, you can fold the side walls together and roll up the pool for storage.
How to Drain a Small Pool

Each gallon of water weighs about 8.3 pounds. Even a small inflatable pool, once filled with water, will become very heavy. When it comes to the best way to empty the pool or the small inflatable children’s pool, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on the pump, because an old water pipe can do the job. If you have an inflatable pool with a drain plug, you can still use a hose to drain by opening the plug.
Hose drain
If you have an old water pipe in your yard, you can use it to drain the water from the small pool. In fact, this is one of the best and cheapest ways to empty the pool. Although this process is slower than using a pool pump, you can also place multiple hoses in the pool to drain faster.
Remove any leaves or other debris from the pool before inserting the hose. Leaving debris when the pool drains means that it will block the hose and stop or slow down the drainage process.
1. Before you start draining the small pool, make sure you know where you are going to put the drain end of the pipe. You will want to choose a place that will not flood hard landscaped areas and will drain to the ground.
2. Place one end of the hose in the center of the pool. If the hose seems to want to jump out of the pool rather than stay in place, you can put something on it, such as a brick, and keep it in place.
3. Connect the other end of the hose to the faucet and turn on the faucet until the water begins to flow into the pool and expel any air. Once the water begins to flow into the pool, turn off the water, remove the hose from the faucet and place it where it can drain.
4. Check the pool frequently to make sure the water is still flowing out. The hose cannot remove the last few inches of water. When the drainage reaches this point, you can remove the hose from the pool.
5. Use a bucket to scoop out the last bit of water, or use a wet vacuum cleaner to suck away the last bit of water left.
Drain the pool with a drain plug
If you have an inflatable pool with a drain plug, you can easily remove all the water with a hose.
Before draining, remove the leaves or other sundries from the pool so that the opening of the pool will not be blocked. Before you begin this process, you also need to figure out where you want to drain the water.
1. Check the inside of the pool to ensure that the drain plug is plugged in tightly.
2. Remove the drain valve cover located on the outside of the pool wall. Connect the female end of the hose to the drain connection and place the other end of the hose in the selected drain area.
3. Connect one end of the hose connected to the drain connection to the drain valve located on the outside of the pool wall. Once connected, the drain connector will open the drain plug and you will notice that water begins to flow out of the hose from the other end of the pool.
4. If the drainage is stopped because the water level below the outlet is too low, lift the pool opposite the outlet to remove the remaining water.
5. Once the pool is drained, disconnect the hoses and drain connections, and then disconnect the hoses and connections.
6. Re-insert the blowdown valve in the pool into the blowdown plug in the pool, and then replace the blowdown cover outside the pool.
7. Wipe the remaining water at the bottom of the pool with a towel or vacuum cleaner.
What if I Can’t Find the Drain Plug?
Sometimes, the water cap is buried under the edge of the pool, but if you can’t find it, here are some other ways to dry the pool:
Gravity siphon
Insert a garden hose or vacuum hose directly into the pool water so that the entire hose is filled with water. After the water is full, fix one end of the hose to the edge of the pool with tape or rope. The 3-5-foot-long hose is still inserted into the pool water and almost touches the bottom of the pool.
Cover the other end of the hose with your thumb and quickly pull all the hoses over the wall (except for the 3-5 feet). Cover the other end with your thumb, close to the ground, pull the water pipe to a lower place for drainage, and then loosen the water pipe with your thumb and put it on the ground.
As long as the pool end is higher than the discharge end, your siphon should start immediately. This siphon drainage method can also be completed with a pool vacuum hose.
Submersible pump
If you have a small pool pump or a pool cover pump, these can be used to drain the Intex pool. Connect a garden hose, plug in the plug, and carefully place the pump at the bottom of the pool near the edge.
Skimmer or return hose
You may have realized that you can remove the hose from the pool filter and drain the water from the pool. However, this will only work on the level of return.
It is best to slowly drain or pump out the Intex tank. Using the easy set ™ Pool, you may be tempted to deflate the top ring and roll the water out. This can be dangerous, not only for nearby plants or mulch beds but also for swimming pools, which may tear or form holes in the process.
If the idea of draining an Intex pool seems to be a terrible task, be relaxed, review our methods and solve it easily for you.
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