Heat Pump Water Heater vs. Gas – Which One To Choose
You might be unsure of the best kind of water heater to purchase for your family’s needs when you need a new water heater.
As opposed to gas water heaters, which generate heat through combustion, heat pumps move heat, making them more energy efficient than gas water heaters. Furthermore, moving heat always consumes less energy than creating it.
We’ll define a hybrid water heater and describe its operation at the outset of this article.
What is a Hybrid Heater?
As a heat pump water heater, a hybrid heater also goes by that name. Although there are many different hybrid heater types, the heat pump variant will be the focus of this article.
These hybrid heaters generate heat by absorbing it from the air around them. It moves heat instead of producing it. In essence, they operate like a refrigerator running in reverse.
While a heat pump water heater draws heat from the air around it and dumps it into a tank to heat the water, a refrigerator draws heat from inside a box and distributes it throughout the room.
Hybrid heaters have electric resistance as a fallback option in case the temperature isn’t high enough. They are referred to as hybrid heaters because they combine the use of heat pumps and electricity.

Benefits of a Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater
A hybrid water heater has many advantages. They are a more energy-efficient choice than different kinds of water heaters and are also an environmentally friendly choice.
They are simple to install and versatile, unlike some water heaters, which are only good for one area of your house. You could use them for their space cooling technology or even for their dual heating functions.
You should look below in more detail if you’re interested in these elements.
Energy Efficient
Of all water heaters, heat pumps are frequently regarded as the most energy-efficient. In comparison to electric heaters, they frequently cost much less.
They don’t use a lot of electricity and transfer heat from the air to the water. Although they do have a backup electric water heater option, it isn’t always in use.
If you want to reduce your energy costs, the majority of hybrid heat pump water heaters are preferable.
Good for the Environment
They are some of the best water heaters for the environment, which is related to their energy efficiency.
In comparison to the typical heating tank, they have a carbon footprint that is at least twice as small. A heat pump water heater might be the best place to start if you want to do your part to protect the environment.
You might lessen your carbon footprint if you own one of these.
Easy to Install
Heat pumps are simple to set up and maintain. You won’t have to spend a lot on maintenance because they come with a limited warranty that lasts at least ten years.
However, a qualified professional should only carry out this installation. Due to the fact that they use two different types of technology, installation by a professional is required.
Dual Heating
Different modes for various situations are available in some heat pump varieties. There are electric, high demand, heat pump, and energy-saving options among these.
Having these options allows you to switch the settings from heat pump to electric as desired. Even if you go on vacation, there are ways to put it in low power mode so you can conserve energy while you are away.
Space Cooling
A heat pump can also cool the area around it if you reside somewhere with a hotter climate. Utilizing space cooling technology will result in reduced air conditioning energy costs.
This space cooling technology is the same as that used in air conditioners, so using it is an alternative to purchasing an additional air conditioner.
Disadvantages of a Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater
Hybrid heat pump water heaters aren’t flawless. They have drawbacks as well, as with all water heaters. When compared to some other water heaters, there are less than others.
These types of water heaters have a higher initial cost and can be quite noisy, which are their main drawbacks.
If you’re not used to these kinds of water heaters, bear these in mind.
Continue reading to learn more about the problems and their drawbacks.
Upfront Costs
Hybrid heat pumps should only be installed by qualified professionals due to the high cost of installation.
Additionally, some locations provide a reward for installing heat pumps. These aren’t typically the responsibility of a regular electrician and are frequently more expensive than other types of heaters.
The features make it more likely that you will need to call a plumber first.
The location of your hybrid heater will determine where it will be placed, but some homeowners have reported hearing a low humming sound.
If you have a basement, or if you plan to build one, you can avoid this by placing it in a location that is farther from any bedrooms in your house.
What is a Gas Water Heater?
Convection power drives a gas water heater. Just below the sealed tank, a gas burner heats the cold water at the bottom of the tank.
The discharge pipe then pulls the hot water where you need it in your home as the water rises in the tank as it warms up. Gas water heaters operate solely on gas and don’t need electricity.
Benefits of a Gas Water Heater
Simple energy efficiency is the main factor in the popularity of gas water heaters. You don’t need to be concerned if your electricity is turned off for any reason because they don’t use any electricity.
As soon as they heat up, they recover quickly and work quickly. Larger families are therefore best served by gas water heaters (see also “Basic Parts For Gas Water Heater”), as any issues with sharing a bathroom will only be resolved by having a quicker recovery time.
The advantages of a gas water heater are detailed below for your information.
No Electricity
The fact that you can use a gas heater without electricity is one of its main advantages. You wouldn’t be in danger of losing hot water even if your home experienced a power outage.
Additionally, you wouldn’t need to be concerned about rising energy prices because they won’t be included in your electricity bill.
Fast Working
More quickly than electric heaters, gas heaters operate. An electric water heater typically heats the tank’s water twice as quickly as a gas heater.
You won’t have to worry too much about how long it will take for your water to heat up thanks to how quickly a gas water heater operates.
Rapid Recovery Rate
A gas water tank might be useful if you have a large family, although the size of your home will determine this. The rate at which the water heats up may seem to be much faster if there are multiple people who require hot water on a regular basis.
As the hot water would need to be reheated after every use, such a quick recovery rate is excellent if there are a number of people waiting to use the shower.
Disadvantages of a Gas Water Heater
A gas water heater has drawbacks of its own, as do all water heaters. These frequently have to do with the pricey installation because there are more factors to take into account when installing this kind of heater.
In particular, gas leaks and gas explosions are major safety worries. They do depend on your location, which is a significant drawback.
You’ll need to spend money on bringing gas canisters to your house if you’re not close to a location where it’s simple to access gas.
Please see the section below for more information on these issues.
Safety Issues
When it comes to gas-related products, there are some worries. Gas water heaters are not an exception to this rule. Many people are concerned about the safety of gas water heaters, particularly in the event of a gas explosion.
However, this is mainly a problem if you don’t plan for routine maintenance on your gas water heater (see also “Gas Water Heater Vs. Electric‘).
To keep your family and your home safe, you must always call someone to maintain the standard of your gas water heater.
Expensive Installation
Gas water heaters (see also “Does A Gas Water Heater Need Electricity?‘) aren’t easy to install and should ideally be performed by an expert. While increasing your budget, hiring an expert You’ll have to hire someone to do the installation.
Although they are inexpensive to own, they cost significantly more to install. The cost is brought on by the fact that gas water heaters need both a ventilation system and gas piping.
It’s best to get in touch with a specialist in this area when having a gas water heater installed.
Gas Access
Gas is not always installed and piped directly into homes. This might be a problem if you reside somewhere without a reliable gas supply.
If you want propane canisters delivered regularly to your propane tank, you might need to purchase some. For ease of use, gas pipes that connect to the water tank should be installed as well.
Because you’ll need to make sure that propane is delivered to your house if you want to install a gas heater but don’t have access to gas nearby, the cost may increase.
Gas Hot Water Vs Hot Water Heat Pump: Running Costs
Sustainability Victoria estimates that the annual operating costs for an average three-person household using a natural gas storage hot water system with a 5-star energy rating will be $395.
In contrast, a high-efficiency hot water heat pump can do the same job for the same house for approximately $120 a year when using off-peak electricity.
Since a heat pump has lower operating costs than a gas hot water system, even though its initial cost is typically higher, a three-person household can save an average of $275 annually, or $4,125 over the course of the system’s 15-year lifespan.
Compare the typical operating costs for various hot water systems here.
Gas Hot Water Vs Hot Water Heat Pumps: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
You can cut more than just your electricity costs by choosing a hot water heat pump.
While hot water heat pumps are powered by electricity, gas hot water systems use either natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to heat water.
Using the same systems as above as a comparison, a high-efficiency hot water heat pump system emits only about 4.1 tonnes over ten years compared to an average of 8.5 tonnes for a storage gas hot water system.
Gas water heaters depend on a non-renewable resource that has already done significant environmental harm before it ever reaches a home, in addition to the emissions released when the system is operating. Heat pumps, on the other hand, are powered by electricity, whether it comes from your own solar panels or the grid (which is becoming more renewable).
Pairing Solar Panels With a Hot Water Heat Pump
You can further cut your emissions and increase your energy bill savings by combining rooftop solar panels with a hot water heat pump. By timing your heat pump around your solar generation, it can act as a type of battery:
- Time your heat pump to power up around midday, when the sun is highest
- Your heat pump will store free solar energy in the form of hot water
- Your family can use hot solar-powered water any time they want, even when the sun isn’t shining
- This combination of time-shift and self-consumed energy will cut your electricity bills even more than just a solar system or a heat pump would on its own
A hot water heat pump system can be an excellent choice, even though installation costs can be higher.
Final Thoughts
We have no way of knowing which of these water heaters will work best for you and your requirements.
It’s best to think about everything before choosing a water heater because everyone has different needs.
Although a gas or hybrid water heater is preferable to an electric water heater, you must also take into account your needs for energy efficiency.
You should also think about how much energy you will need. This won’t be a problem if all you need is a water heater for yourself.
However, a larger storage capacity is required if you intend to purchase a water heater for a large family. You’ll use it more frequently. This won’t be a problem, though, if your family is smaller.
Always take into account the warranty and the anticipated lifespan of the water heater when making a purchase.
Although a decade is the ideal lifespan for your water heater, you might also want to take environmental factors into account. There are numerous inquiries regarding purchasing a new water heater.
But by comparing their advantages and disadvantages, we hope to help you make a more informed decision about the kind of water heater you and your family will require.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is It Worth Getting a Heat Pump Water Heater?
The investment is worthwhile for heat pump water heaters, yes. Even though the initial investment may be nearly three times that of a standard water heater, you will quickly recover any initial costs and start saving money on your electricity bill thanks to annual savings of almost $300. By using less electricity, you’ll also be doing your part to protect the environment.
How Does a Heat Pump Hot Water Heater Work?
When a heat pump water heater draws in warm outside air, it uses pressure to heat the air and evaporatively heat the refrigerant. The water in a tank heats up as this hot refrigerant gas passes through coils around or inside the tank. Once again cycling through the system, the refrigerant, which is now colder, condenses back to liquid.
What is the Difference Between a Water Heater and a Heat Pump Water Heater?
A heat pump hot water heater does not need to create heat from nothing, in contrast to a conventional hot water heater. In order to heat a refrigerant and, ultimately, the water, a heat pump water heater uses ambient air warmth. Although complicated, this method of heating the water is much more effective.
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