How to Clean Spark Plugs – Simple Methods To Clean
Knowing how to properly clean the spark plugs in your small engines will save you the time and money it would take to visit a store to buy replacement plugs. It may also enable you to continue using your engine when a new plug is not easily accessible. This cleaning task is straightforward. It only takes a few minutes and will save you $5 to $10 on a new plug.
How To Clean Spark Plugs
Cleaning With Sandpaper
The electrodes should be cleaned with sandpaper with a 220-grit grain. Every spark plug has a tiny pole at the end (the portion that enters the engine). It is what we would refer to as an electrode. Any carbon stains or deposits on the surface can be removed using a piece of sandpaper.
Electrodes must be cleaned until it appears that all they are made of is bare metal. Use of eye protection is advised when sanding. One of the best alternatives is to clean spark plugs with sandpaper.
Cleaning With File
To remove the carbon accumulation, use a file. Try using a file to get rid of the stubborn deposits if sandpaper doesn’t work. Back and forth across the area between the electrode and plug body with the file.
Using Blow Torch
With a blow torch, spark plugs will become extremely hot. In order to prevent burning your hand, you will need to use a plier to extend the length of the plugs.
Grab the plug ends that are attached to the ignition coil with pliers. Keep the plug firmly in place but don’t squeeze it to prevent damage. You should only use the pliers as an extension of your hand.
When using the nozzle, position the plug’s ignition side in front of it and turn the key. Make the torch’s intensity stronger to create blue flames.
All of the oil, dirt, and debris can be removed from the spark plugs by lightly touching them. The plugs won’t be harmed by the heat, so don’t worry about that. At this point, the spark plug’s end ought to begin to glow red.
Keep your attention on the task at hand and limit the torch’s burning to the threaded portion of the plugs. The length of the burning process may be determined by the power of your torch.
Allow the spark plugs to completely cool before handling. The plugs need to cool down before use. You must be cautious when using a blow torch because the color of the spark plugs will return to normal before it cools.
To avoid burning your fingers, it’s best to let each plug sit for five minutes before attempting to reinstall it. Make sure the spark plug is cold before moving on to the next step and that the ignition coils or high-tension wire are reinstalled. Continually clean them until you have done so. Don’t just clean one and ignore the others.

Using Spark Plug Cleaner Machine
It has also been demonstrated that using a spark plug cleaning machine is an efficient way to clean spark plugs. The cleaner tool uses compressed air to clean the spark plugs by sandblasting them.
Push the machine’s button to turn it on, then plug in the spark plug and select the sandblasting setting. To ensure that all of the carbon is removed by the cleaning tool, be sure to shake the plug frequently.
Once you’ve finished blasting, switch the machine to air and blow the debris off the plug. You should still use an air supply to blow out the spark plugs because the last thing you want is for debris to enter your cylinders.
Cleaning With Wire Brush
To clean the threads of any dirt, use a wire brush. There’s a good chance that the plug threads are covered in oil and dirt. The presence of oil on the threads indicates the presence of oil in the spark plug holes.
Spark plug holes must be cleaned prior to replacing them with new ones. Brush the plugs’ threads gently from various angles to get rid of any lingering deposits and grime.
Put on gloves when cleaning plugs with a wire brush to prevent injury. If all the deposits are eliminated, the thread will continue to function even though it loses its color.
Cleaning With Carb Cleaner
Carb cleaners are offered by auto supply stores and online merchants alike. You might wonder how to use a carb cleaner to clean spark plugs if you’re a novice mechanic.
When it comes to efficiently remove carbon buildup, dirt, and other debris from a variety of automotive components, carb cleaners are the best. When using carb cleaner to clean the spark plug, it should be held in a vice-like position.
After using the cleaner, wipe the surface with a fresh cloth. Spark plugs that are free of impurities are produced as a result of the quick drying substance and cleaning action.
In addition to a carb cleaner, try using a wire brush if the carbon deposits are particularly difficult to get rid of. When you’re done, wipe away any leftover carb cleaner from the plug with a clean cloth or rag.
If you’re curious about how spark plugs are cleaned, either vinegar or gasoline will work. it is the same procedure. Remove the carbon buildup from the plugs with a wire brush, and then give them a quick soak in vinegar or gasoline to get rid of it.
How To Check For A Fouled Or Damaged Spark Plug
- Step 1: Get rid of the spark plug lead. When you remove the spark plug, clean the area around it to prevent getting debris into the combustion chamber.
- Step 2: Utilizing a spark plug socket, remove the spark plug.
- Step 3: Utilize a wire brush and plug cleaner spray to remove small deposits from the plug. Details on how to clean are provided below.
- Step 4: Check the spark plug for extremely difficult-to-remove deposits, porcelain that has cracked, or electrodes that have been destroyed by burning. Replace the spark plug in the event of any of these circumstances.
- Step 5: Check the spark plug gap and make any necessary adjustments.
- Step 6: Replace the plug if it appears to be in working order while being careful not to overtighten it (15 feet). lbs. MAXIMUM), then reconnect the spark plug lead.
- Step 7: Start Your Engine
The engine has a spark if it tries to start (even for a brief period) and then stops. This would suggest that the issue is likely with the fuel, the carburetor, the valves, etc.). Your ignition system might be malfunctioning if your engine won’t even start. The spark plug needs to be changed first.
Faqs Of Cleaning Spark Plugs
Can A Spark Plug Be Cleaned And Reused?
A spark plug can be cleaned and reused, so this article is necessary if it can’t. In any case, modern high-end spark plugs cannot be filled but can be lightly blasted and cleaned. The best cleaning is accomplished with a wire brush, WD-40, or spark plug cleaner tool.
However, spark plugs that have been cleaned or shot cannot perform as effectively as new ones. Purchasing a new spark plug won’t break the bank given the affordable price of premium work plugs like ruthenium, platinum, and iridium spark plugs.
Can Spark Plugs Be Cleaned Without Being Removed?
Before removing the plugs, you must clean the spark plug areas. But in order to get at the carbon buildup and clean a spark plug, they must be taken out.
Can Spark Plugs Be Cleaned With Wd40?
Wd40 is made to remove carbon buildup and combat moisture on various auto parts, including spark plugs and plug cables. For water displacement, use the abbreviation WD. Therefore, WD40 is the product to use if any component of your system is wet and you want to wipe off the moisture.
You’re probably wondering how to use WD40 to clean spark plugs. Using a brake cleaner is all that’s required. Spray WD-40 on the spark plugs after loosening them and setting them in a vice. After finishing one side, flip it over and clean the other.
A: How Are Spark Plugs Lubricated?
Applying grease to a spark plug isn’t everything; where and how you use it also matter. Due to its insulating properties, dielectric grease should only be used sparingly on the spark plugs. Don’t let it come in contact with the boot’s metal connector. Apply just a tiny bit of the grease using cotton wool.
Circularly apply a thin layer of the electric grease inside the boot. Applying a thin layer of grease to the ceramic coating of the spark plugs will provide the best protection. The same circular motion should be used once more. Avoid touching the grease-covered metal spark plug terminal. Watch this video for a visual explanation.
Final Thoughts
After 20 to 30 thousand miles, spark plug fouling can happen. And it doesn’t matter if you wish to clean or replace an old plug, it has to be done right because spark plug fouling can cause severe car issues.
The engine may suffer damage if there is any debris left over after cleaning the combustion chamber or spark plug hole. As well, the installation of the car’s spark plugs must be precise and snug.
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