Ignition Coil Replacement Cost- 2023 Guide
The cost to replace an ignition coil ranges from $200 to $260 on average, depending on the vehicle.
Depending on the make and model of your car, replacing an ignition coil will cost you a different amount. Every 70,000 miles or five years, ignition coils need to be replaced.
What is An Ignition Coil?
A converter known as an ignition coil raises the voltage of your car’s battery to the level required to spark the spark plugs.
The engine starts to run as a result of this spark igniting the fuel in the cylinder. A component of your car’s ignition system that is necessary is the ignition coil.
How Much Does An Ignition Coil Replacement Cost?
Let’s discuss the price of replacing an ignition coil. As previously mentioned, the cost varies and is based on the vehicle being repaired, as well as the mechanic.
Ignition Coil Parts Price
The price of the ignition coil reflects the fact that it is a small but crucial component. Replacement ignition coils typically cost between $200 and $260.
How many cylinders your car has has an impact on the price as well.
You will require four ignition coils, for instance, if your vehicle has four cylinders. You might only need two ignition coils, though, depending on the vehicle.
Each cylinder can operate with one or two spark plugs at once thanks to the ignition coil unit’s placement on top of the spark plug.
Ignition Coil Labor Price
When changing an ignition coil, labor is also a factor. If you take your car to a mechanic, they will bill you for the ignition coil and the labor to replace it.
The good news is that labor is typically more affordable than the part itself.
A mechanic’s hourly rate typically ranges from $60 to $120. However, changing an ignition coil shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. Therefore, making the repair yourself will save you money on labor.
Average Cost to Replace Four Ignition Coils
Altogether, a car’s average cost to replace four ignition coils is $300. The cost of the labor and coils is included in this price. You will require more coils and the price will be higher if you have a V6 or V8 cylinder engine.
What Does An Ignition Coil Replacement Include?
Beginning with unplugging the battery, replace the ignition coil. Given that the ignition coils are ignited with thousands of volts flowing through them, that is an essential safety precaution. Unscrew the bolt with a wrench to remove the negative terminal. Next, find the ignition coil, which is typically mounted to the engine block at the top of the engine. They are bolted directly to the top of the spark plug on some more recent engines that have individual coil packs for every cylinder.
Make sure to unplug all the electrical connectors before removing the old ignition coil with a socket wrench. The new ignition coil can be installed after everything has been disconnected. Before re-establishing the electrical connections, make certain that everything is securely fastened. Because it needs to be reinstalled in the original location, take care when doing so. Once all the wires are attached, it’s time to reattach the battery’s negative terminal and start your vehicle to verify the ignition coil is operating properly. Make sure everything is working properly by giving it a test drive.
How Long Does An Ignition Coil Replacement Take?
Replacement of an ignition coil can take a variety of times. How many coils are required will depend on the mechanic. It will take longer to replace coils that are located in challenging locations.
It may also be more difficult to separate the ignition coil insulator boots from the spark plug if the car is an older model because parts may stick.
It should typically take one to two hours to replace all the coils. For a straightforward setup without any sticky components, the installation time can be as little as 30 minutes.
How Often to Get Your Ignition Coil Replaced
Although there is no set schedule for replacing your ignition coil, you should do so as soon as you realize it is no longer functioning. The ignition coil may last the entire life of your car. However, after many years of use or after traveling a certain distance, you might notice your ignition coil is failing. As an illustration, you might observe that your ignition coil begins to malfunction after 75,000 miles.
Are Ignition Coils Interchangeable?
Yes, ignition coils can typically be swapped out. To be certain, it is wise to consult your mechanic or the automaker.
If you put the incorrect ignition coils in your car, you’ll know it. If your car exhibits any of the following signs, you should have it serviced.
Loss of Power
Stepping on the gas will result in a loss of power because the ignition coils are unable to ignite the fuel in the cylinders with enough spark. The result is a less effective performance of the vehicle.
Rough Idle
A rough idle is yet another sign of damaged ignition coils. It will vibrate and shake more than usual.
Check Engine Light
The check engine light will come on if the ignition coils are not functioning properly, alerting you that imbalances need to be examined to stop further problems.
An additional sign of faulty ignition coils is backfiring. When the air and fuel mixture burns improperly or does not generate enough power, it will backfire.
Jerking Or Vibrating
Your car will jerk or vibrate if the ignition coils and spark plugs are installed improperly. Consider having the ignition coil replacement performed again if you notice this or anything similar because it could be the source of the problem.

How Long Do Coil Packs Last?
Between 30,000 and 70,000 miles, or up to five years, can be covered by coil packs. This is merely an estimate, though. The lifespan of a coil pack depends on several factors, such as:
- The quality of the coil pack
- How often you drive
- How well you maintain your vehicle
In comparison to someone who only drives a few thousand miles annually, you might need to replace your coil packs more frequently if you drive more miles.
What to Do After Changing An Ignition Coil
It’s critical to follow the right procedures to prevent further issues after replacing your ignition coil. These steps include:
- Cleaning the area around the coils
- Checking for any loose wires or parts
- Making sure all the coils are seated correctly
- Testing the ignition system
By following these instructions, you can be sure that the replacement of your ignition coil was done properly and help avoid further issues.
It’s time to start the engine and let the car idle for a few minutes after finishing these steps. The new coils will be able to properly seat and break in thanks to this.
You can take a test drive once the car is smoothly idling.
Symptoms of a Bad Ignition Coil
1. Check Engine Light
If there is an issue with the engine, the check engine light will come on. The check engine light begins to flash if there is a problem with the ignition coil because it directly affects how the engine runs.
The ignition coil is most likely the source of the issue if you’ve noticed any of the symptoms listed below and the check engine light.
2. Engine Backfires & Misfires
In the early stages of an ignition coil failure, backfiring of the engine is noticed. Backfiring happens when unburned fuel in the combustion cylinder flows through the exhaust pipe.
This results in the exhaust pipe emitting black smoke and smelling strongly of gasoline, which may point to an ignition coil issue. It is advised that this issue be fixed right away to prevent harm to the exhaust system.
3. Engine Stalling
Your car might stall while you’re driving if it has a single ignition coil and is firing up a distributor, which is typical of older cars. The ignition coil may be faulty if you are moving at a normal speed when after a few kilometers you notice that your engine has stopped. When the spark plug receives inconsistent current from the ignition coil, the engine stalls. Your car might completely stop after a few miles if it is not fixed right away.
If just one ignition coil in your newer car has failed, it won’t likely cause your car to stall while you’re driving.
4. Poor Fuel Economy
Your car’s engine could misfire and spill fuel out the exhaust pipe without burning it, which would increase fuel consumption. This would be the result of a faulty ignition coil. The ignition coil needs to be checked because of the significant increase in fuel consumption.
5. Strange Engine Noise
The engine has to work harder than usual due to an ignition coil that isn’t functioning properly because it can’t produce enough voltage for the spark plug.
Your car may make an odd engine noise and sound like a tractor if one cylinder of the engine is operating at a lower pressure than usual due to a defective ignition coil.
6. Car Does Not Start at All
The engine may not turn over completely if the ignition coil is broken or malfunctioning. When starting the car, if you hear a clicking noise, the ignition coil is not the issue.
In contrast, if there is absolutely no sound, there is a chance that the ignition system has failed, especially if you have an older vehicle with a single ignition coil that powers all of the cylinders.
Where to Replace Ignition Coil
Alternately, you can have a mechanic work on your car or you can replace the ignition coils yourself. Consult your car’s owner’s manual for the right steps if you decide to finish the repair.
To test the coils, you will require a high-quality multimeter. In addition, you’ll require the new ignition coils and a basic toolkit.
Taking it to a mechanic will spare you the hassle of doing it yourself. They are able to accurately identify the issue and swap out the ignition coils. If you don’t feel confident working on your car, this is the best choice.
Depending on the car model and labor costs, the cost to replace a single ignition coil ranges from $60 to $350 on average. A single ignition coil can be purchased for $30 to $150. An ignition coil requires labor that ranges from $30 to $200.
In many cases, replacing an ignition coil is fairly simple and you can do it yourself. However, depending on the car model, the process can take an hour or more, so in some cases you should expect to pay quite a high replacement cost.
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