What Is A Core Charge
If you’ve ever purchased an auto part, like a new starter, you’ve probably heard of a core charge, sometimes called core return or core deposit. But what does this mean? We’ve put together this handy guide for you that you should probably familiarize yourself with if you’re planning to buy replacement parts.
What Is A Core Charge
The “core charge” is similar to bottle deposits. In many states, to promote recycling, a deposit is charged when you buy a bottle of soda and when you return an empty bottle. Many auto parts have a core fee, or core price, that works the same way as a bottled deposit.
How the Core Charge Works
- The parts you purchased contain recyclable components
- The core charge deposit is charged at the time of purchase
- Fees will be refunded to you when the recyclable parts from your old parts are returned to us
- You don’t need to pay this fee if you bring old parts with you when you buy
What Parts Have A Core Charge?
If you buy brake pads or spark plugs at an auto parts store, you won’t hear any mention of cores. This is because these parts are not rebuildable. However, many of the parts you replace in your car or truck have either been rebuilt or will be rebuilt in the future.
Let’s revisit for beginners, it’s a common core part. A starter is an electrical component, which means movement within the component, which means it eventually wears out. no way. The electrical contacts inside the starter, while hard, are actually sensitive to heat. Engines are hot, and so are starters because they require a lot of electricity to power the car. The heat eventually drains the electrical connections and your car stops rolling over. But the rest of the starter, the housing and gears, are almost always fine because they probably haven’t seen enough abuse to destroy them. Therefore, swapping out old parts for new ones ensures a steady and reliable supply of rebuildable parts to meet demand and keep those parts out of landfills and landfills.
Some common core parts include:
- Battery
- brake caliper
- starter
- alternator
- cylinder head
- brake master cylinder
- power steering pump
- AC compressor
- gearbox
How to Return a Core Part
If you purchased genuine parts from some auto supply stores, those stores only accept returned parts for core credit. Others will accept parts purchased elsewhere, especially if you’re replacing parts for a classic car. If you’re replacing a manufacturer’s part, it’s best to buy new parts from your dealer’s store.
Before returning parts, ensure that all fluids (if applicable) have been drained. Place parts in sturdy plastic bags to prevent possible leaks and keep dust and other debris from getting inside.
New Parts Can Also Have A Core Charge
t’s rare, but it happens. Whether new or reman, turbos fitted to Cummins ISX engines usually have core charging. They did this to start offering remanufactured versions of them. After all, remanufactured parts will never be sold if the core never returns new parts.
Core charges are important because they encourage the recycling of old parts that would otherwise be thrown away. Instead of constantly making new parts, the core can be rebuilt and sold at a discount, which ultimately benefits consumers,
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